Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Batman-uary 2024 - Interplanetary Batman

Interplanetary Batman

Just in time for the end of the month, it's another Batman-uary post!  This time it's Batman's costume from "Detective Comics" #165, featuring Interplanetary Batman.  Next year I think I'll do up the rest of 'em from the cover.  Although, I thought it would be mildly amusing to do Batman's Camouflage Costume of the North Pole just an outline of his white eyes on a blank piece of paper--that'd be a great bit of camouflage, one step up from a drawing of a polar bear in a snowstorm!

And it was done as a parody/homage to Steranko's cover to "Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D." #6.

NOTE: Because I'm a numbskull, I just realized that I had a copy/paste error the first post for "Batman-uary 2023" as the Title for most of January 2024.  I just got around to fixing that just in time.  I'd hate to look quite the fool!  Sigh...

We'll do more Batman-uary next year: Same Bat-Time, Same Bat-Channel!

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Done digitally in Rebelle.


Thursday, January 18, 2024

Happy New Year! 2024 - Batman-uary! - Knightfall

Batman-uary - Knightfall

HAPPY (belated) NEW YEAR!

OK, it's a two-fer--both my first post to celebrate the New Year (sure, the first month is over half over, but let's not bring up the past), and something Batman-uary related.  It's based on the Knightfall series cover, "Batman" #497 by Kelly Jones.

I hope everyone has a Happy New Year!  Out with the old and in with the new!

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STEP ONE:  Here are the quick pencils.  I did them quickly using the Symmetry Tool in Clip Studio Paint (as much as I like Rebelle 7, it doesn't have a Symmetry Tool as of yet), exported it as a .png with a clear background, and imported it into Rebelle as a rough guide.

At first I was gonna just leave it as Bane breaking 2024, but decided to add in the Penny and T-Rex from the cover and make it a more close parody of the cover.  Also, I originally was going to follow Jone's way over-the-top back to Bane, but it starting looking weird as I painted it, so I tried to make it... well, "Realistic" isn't quite the right word when describing Bane.

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STEP TWO:  After a lot of back-and-forth here's the finished digital painting.  I did each element on their own layer (Background, Penny, T-Rex, Bane, 2024, and one extra for Bane's hands on a top layer).  Because I was not paying attention and accidentally deleted the layer, I only have the pencils and finished picture rather than something at a halfway point.  One of these days, I'll learn...

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Done digitally in Clip Studio Paint and Rebelle 7
