Interplanetary Batman
Just in time for the end of the month, it's another Batman-uary post! This time it's Batman's costume from "Detective Comics" #165, featuring Interplanetary Batman. Next year I think I'll do up the rest of 'em from the cover. Although, I thought it would be mildly amusing to do Batman's Camouflage Costume of the North Pole just an outline of his white eyes on a blank piece of paper--that'd be a great bit of camouflage, one step up from a drawing of a polar bear in a snowstorm!
And it was done as a parody/homage to Steranko's cover to "Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D." #6.
NOTE: Because I'm a numbskull, I just realized that I had a copy/paste error the first post for "Batman-uary 2023" as the Title for most of January 2024. I just got around to fixing that just in time. I'd hate to look quite the fool! Sigh...
We'll do more Batman-uary next year: Same Bat-Time, Same Bat-Channel!
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Done digitally in Rebelle.