Sunday, April 21, 2024

Moss Piglet (April 2024): Green

Moss Piglet (April 2024):

OK, this is probably the dumbest submission I made to "Moss Piglet" (and that's saying something), a small art magazine out of Wisconsin I've been contributing to the past couple years.  They use a monthly theme for it's publication.  This time it was "Green" and I figured the result would work just fine for my Nerdy/Geeky Blog.

The first thought for "Green" was Kermit the Frog, which was the obvious answer.  Next I thought about Godzilla... Then, hey, why not both?  So Kermit-Zilla as a giant Kaiju destroying Japan it is.  Of course, I realized just as I submitted it that I had used almost the same setup for almost the same joke involving the Teen-Age Mutant Ninja Turtles in Japan:

Ah, well.  It's a joke good enough to be told twice!  (That's the lie I'm gonna keep tellin' 'til people believe me!)

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STEP ONE:  Here are the digital pencils, done as 1650px ×  2550px @ 300dpi canvas in Clip Studio Paint.

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STEP TWO:  And here are the digital inks.

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STEP THREE:  Finally, here are the colors, done on a Multiply Layer.

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For those of you interested, here's the link to the Homepage for "Moss Piglet":

You can also view previous issues online at:

Oh, hey, now that I think of it, I did the Cover and Back-Cover for the March 2024 (Self-Portrait), which is fitting for an egomaniac such as myself.  

If you're able, subscribe and tell 'em John D. sent you!

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Done digitally in Clip Studio Paint.
