Sunday, July 30, 2023

Illyana Rasputin: Magik

 Illyana Rasputin: Magik

For completely random reasons, here's a digital painting of New Mutants' Magik (Illyana Rasputin), the brother of X-Men's, Colossus (Piotr Rasputin).  As a kid reading "X-Men" and "New Mutants" (and just about any other comics I could get my hands on, of course), I always liked Colossus and Magik and found them to be visually interesting.  And Bill Sienkiewicz's art was amazing and magical to me in "New Mutants", so I was hooked.  Yeah, I don't have time to go into the entire backstory and various storylines, but suffice it to say I choose to do the Magik from the 80's version of the "New Mutants".

Anyhoo, I was doing some random figure drawing and going through some Figure Drawing Reference Packs I own from Grafit, when I re-opened some Female Armored Knight ones which had a model with a single armored arm, which immediately reminded me I've been meaning to do a digital drawing/painting of the "New Mutants" character, Magik, for some time now.

Ironically, for this drawing I didn't bother using any of the references which inspired me and just sketched it out from my head, for better or worse...  (probably mostly worse).  Onward!

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STEP ONE:  Here are a few very quickly scribbled poses (probably about 30-60 seconds each).

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STEP TWO:  I chose this pose and scaled it up to give a rough framework on a 2,000px x 3,000px @ 300dpi canvas in Rebelle 6.

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STEP THREE:  And here's the first pass, just loosely laying everything out and not bothering with any blending.  Just scribbling in some color to give a rough idea of what goes where, etc.

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STEP FOUR:  Here's the final painting.  I made some adjustments to the proportions and tightened things up.  It's OK but took an embarrassing amount of time and, to be honest, could be better.  Oh, well, at least it was good practice with Rebelle 6, I guess.

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Done digitally in Rebelle 6.


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