Friday, February 14, 2025

Unwanted Valentines: RoboCop (1987) - Part 2

 Unwanted Valentines:
RoboCop (1987)

It's couple more Unwanted Valentines from "RoboCop (1987)".  This is one I've been sitting on for a couple-a-few years, now, always meaning to do it, but never quite getting to it in time.  It is probably the filthiest "G-Rated" one I've done.  And, I kept going back and forth between the movie accurate quote, "Dead or alive, you're coming with me!", to the also amusing inversion, "Dead or alive, I'm coming with you!"  So, since I couldn't decide, I had the bright idea to do 'em both.

I did consider spelling "Coming" with the sexual variant, but figured it works best as a double-entendre with plausible deniability.  After all, that's part of what makes it amusing and, also, the Unwanted Valentines should just be unwanted and not actionable as part of a Restraining Order...  😉 

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STEP ONE Here are the digital blue pencils, done on a 2,000px x 2,800 @ 300dpi canvas.

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STEP TWO:  And the digital inks, done mostly with an 10pt and a 15pt brush.

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STEP THREE:  The colors were done on the layer below.

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Done digitally with Clip Studio Paint


Thursday, February 13, 2025

Unwanted Valentines: RoboCop (1987)

Unwanted Valentines:
RoboCop (1987)

It's another Unwanted Valentine, this time it's the melting guy, Emil, from "RoboCop (1987) who drove into a container of toxic waste.  Don't worry, it didn't last long; he was soon turned into a splash of chunky, red water after being run over with a car...  Eeeeewwwwwwwwww!

I have one more RoboCop Valentine I'm working on for tomorrow.  Here's to hoping.

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STEP ONE Here are the digital blue pencils, done on a 2,000px x 2,800 @ 300dpi canvas.

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STEP TWO:  And the digital inks, done mostly with an 10pt and a 15pt brush.

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STEP THREE:  The colors were done on the layer below.

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Done digitally with Clip Studio Paint


Monday, February 10, 2025

Unwanted Valentines: Alien (1979)

Unwanted Valentines:
Alien (1979)

It's time again for an Unwanted Valentine--Valentines so nerdy and built upon puns so terrible that no one would be pleased to receive them... especially a loved one!  I'm revisiting "Alien (1979)" for this Unwanted Valentine, calling back to my (by far) most popular Unwanted Valentine featuring a Facehugger.  Rather than the "Hugs and Kisses" Facehugger, it's a Chestbursting overflow of Love!

Yeah, I know the Chestburster is a lot bigger than in the movie, but I'll just say it is enlarged to show texture, as they say on the cereal boxes!

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STEP ONE Here are the digital blue pencils, done on a 2,000px x 2,800 @ 300dpi canvas.

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STEP TWO:  And the digital inks, done mostly with an 8pt and a 12pt brush.

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STEP THREE:  The colors were done on the layer below.

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Done digitally with Clip Studio Paint
