Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Batman-uary #2 - Zebra Batman

Zebra Batman

Hey, it's Batman-uary, where I riff on some of the many peculiar and various costumes... or whatever Batman-related nonsense strikes my fancy and amuses me.  This time it's Zebra Batman from "Detective Comics #275"!

Zebra Man... Something something... lines of force, which show through the person's costume and skin...  While fighting Zebra Man, Robin accidentally activates the ray machine that gave Zebra Man his power which hits Batman...  Something something, Batman can't control the power.  It ends with them using Zebra Man's belt, which controls his power, to turn it off and Zebra Man becomes normal again; Batman puts on the belt next and does the same to himself to turn the power off and he becomes normal again, too.  Ta da!  The actual story is rather trippy.

Here's the cover to the original story for "Detective Comics #275" featuring Zebra Man/Zebra Batman.  I'm sure most people have seen it on one of the many, many "Top 20 Weirdest Batman Costume" lists out there.

And here's the original ad for "Batman: Year One" by David Mazzucchelli which I was referencing, being a huge fan of his work--both "Batman: Year One" and "Daredevil: Born Again".  (Yeah, I'm old enough to have bought them originally off the newsstand.) 

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All righty, stay tuned for the next installment of BATMAN-UARY!

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STEP ONE:  Here are the digital pencils done on a 2,000px x 3,000px @ 300dpi canvas, roughly scribbled out in Clip Studio Paint.

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STEP TWO:  Here are the digital inks to the Batman part of it, trying to ape David Mazzucchilli's drawing style as much as possible (although, there is a looseness to some of his pen work I would have been better off trying to emulate).

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STEP THREE:  The stripes where then added using the black digital ink, or carved out with the transparent/eraser brush.  I originally added some blue for shading, but then decided it went against the spirit of Zebra Batman: He should be black-and-white--no color!

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This was done digitally in Clip Studio Paint.


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