Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Shameless Self-Promotion: David Bowie/Pan's Labyrinth Mash-Up

This is another one of those posts that don't exactly fit the category, but is a sort of self-promotion, nonetheless.  But, also sort of humbling, too.  One may go so far as to coin a term as to being both humble and bragging at the same time--a "humble-brag", if you will.  What's that, it's already a term?  And it's a term that's been around for over 15 years, coined by the late comedic writer and actor, Harris Wittels?  Huh, who'da thunkit?  One may also say I'm humblebragging that I knew the origins of the neologism (all that listening to "Comedy Bang Bang" finally paid off).  Anyhoo...  Why am I wasting time with all this nonsense when there is posting to be done?  Onward!

Here is a redux of the Mash-Up by Stephanie B. (name withheld to protect the guilty!)  :-P

Stephanie B. is a great fan of the movie "Labyrinth", and somehow found my mash-up of David Bowie as Jareth the Goblin King in "Labyrinth" with the Pale Man from "Pan's Labyrinth".  Much to my delight, she was inspired enough by it to do a "diamond painting", giving it her own, unique spin--and she was kind enough to send me a picture of the finished project.  I really like the way it looks like a 16-bit conversion, giving it a real nostalgic, retro video-game feel!  It almost makes me almost think there must be an alternate universe in which Nintendo NES did a game for "David Bowie in 'Pan's Labyrinth'"...

While Stephanie said is wasn't necessary to include any links (she already shared the picture with her friends and family), I do want to thank her for sending me a picture of her hard work.  She did a really amazing job on it!  Thanks, Stephanie!

And here is the original digital painting I did in Photoshop...

I admit, it's pretty cool to see a reinterpretation of one's work.  Familiar, yet so different.

Well, enough patting myself on the back over the work that someone else did...  Back to my regularly scheduled, ultra-nerdy posts when it is time for "Unwanted Valentines" to make their triumphant (?) return for 2019!  Be there AND be square!


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