Saturday, May 20, 2023

Shameless Self-Promotion: Escape Motions/Rebelle 6

Shameless Self-Promotion:
Escape Motions / Rebelle 6

I have to admit, the past couple months have been filled with a series of oddities--each bigger and more odd than the last (and I have something flat out mind-blowing to report for my next post... I'm still trying to wrap my mind around it).

Case in point: Samuel from Escape Motions/Rebelle reached out and contacted me on May the Fourth from my Blog to see if they could post my 501st Painting on their socials for that day.  Alas, I was out of town and couldn't respond until late in the evening on May the Fourth, so that put a bit of a stick in the spokes for their May the Fourth posting.  However, I mentioned some other Rebelle digital paintings which they were interested in seeing and sent those along, which they have posted here:

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It is extremely flattering to be featured on their socials--especially ironic since I am not on Facebook/Instagram/Twitter--my Blogs are about the extent of my Social presence.  Perhaps I should change that in the near future?

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Anyhoo, given my lack of social presence, Samuel must have been trolling the depths of the Internetz amongst the angler fish, goblin sharks, and vampire squids to accidentally find me (and I appreciate it deeply).  Rebelle and Clip Studio Paint are my two default digital art programs.  While Rebelle is integrated with Photoshop, I personally use Clip Studio Paint to round off a few rough edges until I more fully get the hang of the program, instead. 

For myself, Rebelle has replaced Painter and it has a great wet media and blending engine.  I'm still learning my way around Rebelle properly, but I see people putting out amazing works with it, so I can see what it is capable of in better hands than mine (and why do there seem to be **SO MANY** better hands than mine?).  I'm hoping to start doing some serious digital paintings with Rebelle in earnest this Summer to see what I can really do with it.

Here are some of the Rebelle 6 paintings I've done on this Blog (the 501st Post and "May the Fourth", featuring Jaxxon, the 6 foot tall green rabbit from the original Marvel "Star Wars" comics, of course)...

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I've also used Rebelle for some work I do for "Moss Piglet", a small art magazine out of Kenosha, WI, in which I participate regularly.  Each month, they have a prompt they use as a theme for the magazine.  

Obviously, this one was from the prompt for Bob Dylan (with a parody of "Zap Comix #0 cover by Robert Crumb--fitting for my blog... I'm not sure why I didn't post it now that I think about it).  In this case, I used Clip Studio Paint for the line work as a sort of a digital black plate, which I then exported as a transparent .PNG and imported it into Rebelle 6 to paint the color underneath the line work using their excellent Watercolor and Blending engines.

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Here are a couple more I did for "Moss Piglet" but weren't included in the Escape Motions/Rebelle posting.  This particular piece is a digital painting I did for the "Food, Glorious Food" prompt (I was the cover for that month):

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And this is one from the prompt for "Transportation": 

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OK, I'm sure that's more than enough shameless promotion by yours truly.

My thanks again to Samuel from Escape Motions/Rebelle for reaching out to me.  It is every bit as surprising as it is appreciated!


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