Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Day 11: Hellraiser (2022) - 31 Days of HELL-O-Ween 2022

31 Days of HELL-O-Ween 2022
Hellraiser (2022)

Yikes!  Cutting a bit close to the wire this time...  Anyhoo, this time it's the new Pinhead the 2022... Remake?  Sequel?  Requel? "Hellraiser".  Overall, it was pretty good horror movie with several new variations on old Cenobites.  Jamie Clayton makes a good and visually interesting new Pinhead (although, Doug Bradley is still the top... there were a couple other guys who played Pinhead, but they kind of reminded me of Uncle Fester from "The Adams Family" in some sort of sewing accident).

There were a few of the usual horror tropes of dumb young adults standing around while danger slowly approaches, and a couple times when the Cenobites just seemed to be wandering around in the background like they lost their car keys rather than being summoned to this world for a mission.  But, where would horror movies be without those cliches, I guess?

And, yeah, the pins in the Pinhead painting are a little short.  Sigh.  Good thing I choose to do them in acrylic paint rather than digitally so it would be almost impossible to correct them all without having to repaint a significant chunk of the painting over again.  😓😰😱

Well, enough talk--I gotta get going on the next post(s) if I wanna "Beat the Reaper" for 31 HELL-O-Ween posts in 31 days!  Onward!

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STEP ONE:  Here are the pencils on an 8-1/2" x 11" toned cardstock.

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STEP TWO:  Here's the first (and probably part of a second) pass with acrylic paint.

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STEP THREE: And here's the finished painting.

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Done with Acrylic Paint on 8-1/2" x 11" toned cardstock.



  1. What a treat! Hellraiser figures 3 days in a row, what's next Leviathan? 😉 Great work once more! I'll be checking out the latest installment tomorrow night🤘🏻

    1. Hey Joel, 🙂

      Oh, Geez, Leviathan would have been a neat one (and pretty simple, too, saving me a lot of time just when I needed it most). But, I thought I would do the First and Second movies, as a lead in to the new Remake/Requel? The three of them are the best of the bunch, but it's been a while since I saw the others in the franchise.

      As always, thanks for the kind words!
