Chicago Comic Con 2013
(Part 2)
Here are some other, random pics from the Wizard World Chicago Comic Con for 2013, Saturday, August 10, 2013. (Click to embiggen!)
It's-ah Mario, Luigi, and the Princess. |
From the Borderlands in the Lobby/Entrance... |
Gar-Boys and Gargoyles...
(Ugh! That pun was TERRIBLE! But I still used it, of course... :-) |
Part of the line for Norman Reedus (Daryl Dixon from "Walking Dead").
(He's the one waaayyyy in the back wearing the baseball hat by his name banner.) |
My daughter being interviewed for ManCow TV
(She didn't make it onto the final cut, alas. Better luck next time, Kiddo! :-) |
Zombie Heath Ledger fighting off Zombie Wonder Woman? (Too soon?) |
Zombie Wonder Woman |
Lard Lad from "The Simpsons" gets my vote for favorite costume. |
Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Laaawwwwwwwww.... |
Firefox! (Don't tell her I use Chrome Browser by default...) |
I prefer to think of this as a Mime with a Blowhorn. It's funnier that way... :-) |
A bit of some Ultra-Violence from Alex and the gang. |
Hammer-Time! |
I dunno, but I think that guy on the right may be a little afraid of ghosts, after all... |
Mrs. Darth Maul gets an interview... |
Hangers on at the 501st Legion Booth. |
Darth Maul, also hanging out at the 501st Booth |
Tusken Raiders hide their numbers by... well, in this case there is only one of them. |
Um, sir, your fly is open... Or: XYZ-PDQ! |
Aren't you a little short to be a Stormtrooper? |
Sif and Friend... |
HOLY BATMOBILE, Batman! Nananananna... |
A parting shot on our way out the door. |
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