Thursday, October 6, 2022

Day 06: The Ring (2002) - 31 Days of HELL-O-Ween 2022

31 Days of HELL-O-Ween 2022
The Ring (2002)

Hey, it's the movie that launched a thousand J-Horror Movies in America: Gore Verbinski's "The Ring" from 2002.  And how could someone named "Gore" not do a horror movie, I ask you?  Creepy ghost girl with long hair obscuring her face for 99% of the time... Check.  Semi-creepy video tape that reminded me of work from The Brothers Quay and Jan Svankmajer... Check.  While it wasn't really scary, per se, it did have a few cool moment.

One effect I really appreciated from the movie was the flicker effect that still went through Samara, like a living television with poor reception.  There was a 30's style detective character in William S. Burroughs' that I read a long time ago that was described with the same flicker effect like an old movie, which I found such a visually interesting idea (I think it was in the "Nova Trilogy"?  It's been a long, long time since I read it).

And I'm sure it's just a coincidence that Nosferatu, Frankenstein, Mummy, Werewolf, and a Ghost, just happens to mostly correspond to the General Mills Monster Cereals.

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STEP ONE:  Here are the pencils on an 8-1/2" x 11" toned cardstock.

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STEP TWO:  Here's the first (and probably part of a second) pass with acrylic paint.

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STEP THREE: And here's the finished painting.

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Done with Acrylic Paint on 8-1/2" x 11" toned cardstock.



  1. How could I forget about this one! A real decent remake with some great SFX (those faces look terrifying) Great modern piece John!

    1. Hey Joel, 🙂

      As always, you're too kind! I feel the same--How did I forget about "The Ring"? It was so obvious...

      More soon!

      John D.
