Sunday, September 29, 2024

Moss Piglet (October 2024): Moby Dick - Part 2

Moss Piglet (October 2024):
Moby Dick - Part 2

Here's my second submissions for the October 2024 issue "Moss Piglet" for "Moby Dick" (it's at the presses now, so will be coming out soon).  This time I was thinking it would be amusing to have a page of Comic Strips using "Moby Dick" as the through line, with parodies of "Peanuts", "Calvin and Hobbes", "Popeye", and "The Far Side" (although, "Popeye" was a last moment idea).

Another considered title for the "Moby Strip" was "Moby-ius Strips", which amused me.  Also, the title for "Moby Dickhead" was an obvious pun--too obvious for me to ignore, of course.  As a brief aside, the line (I dunno if you wanna call it a "joke" or not), "Ishmael?  More like FISHMEAL!", was based on a misspelling I did of "Call me Ishmeal", which I noticed if I put an "F" in front of it, it was "Fishmeal", and then retrofitted it to back into the "joke" panel.

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STEP ONE:  Here are the quickly scribbled digital pencils, done in Clip Studio Paint on a 5-1/2" x 8-1/2" @ 300dpi digital canvas.

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STEP TWO:  And here is the Ink Layer.

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STEP THREE:  Finally, I just added color and an overlay of a paper texture to give it a vague, comic strip feel to it.  Also, I was able to erase the paper texture make the white for Moby Dick stand out even more.   Also, originally I didn't have the beards for Ahab stand-ins colored for some reason and when I looked at it, they resembled some sort of Lovecraftian leftovers from Innsmouth.  Just weird and creepy.

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For those of you interested, here's the link to the Homepage for "Moss Piglet":

You can also view previous issues online at:  This one was on the back cover for those interested.

If you're able, subscribe and tell 'em John D. sent you!

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Done digitally in Clip Studio Paint.


Saturday, September 28, 2024

Moss Piglet (October 2024): Moby Dick - Part 1

Moss Piglet (October 2024):
Moby Dick - Part 1

Hey, hey!  With October planning on being full-up with my dumb, self-aggrandizing "31 Days of HELL-O-Ween", I figured I'd post my October 2024 submissions to "Moss Piglet" (it's at the presses now, so will be coming out soon).  In this case, the monthly prompt was for "Moby Dick", which I decided to do as a comic page involving Bartleby the Scrivener showing up on the Pequod with obvious results.

The idea for the comic page was blisteringly easy: I was wracking my brain trying to think of something semi-clever for "Moby Dick", when, by some sort of Jungian Synchronicity, someone on a podcast I was listening to said "I would prefer not to".  Tada!  It was just that easy!  The entirety of the strip was crystalized in my mind.  The only difficult part was trying to figure out which speech by Ahab that Bartleby could interrupt with his catchphrase and not have it go on for several pages (as it is, the speech took up a sizable chunk of the page).

I vaguely used Gregory Peck as the model of Ahab from the John Huston's 1956 movie, "Moby Dick" (screenplay by Ray Bradbury, no less!), and for Bartleby it was Crispin Glover from a modern retelling of "Bartleby the Scrivener" called, appropriately enough, "Bartleby" (2001).

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STEP ONE:  Here are the quickly scribbled digital pencils, done in Clip Studio Paint on a 5-1/2" x 8-1/2" @ 300dpi digital canvas.

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STEP TWO:  And here is the Ink Layer.

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STEP THREE:  Finally, I just added some gray tones, figuring that black-and-white would be more in keeping with the "Moby Dick" movie.

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For those of you interested, here's the link to the Homepage for "Moss Piglet":

You can also view previous issues online at:  This one was on the back cover for those interested.

If you're able, subscribe and tell 'em John D. sent you!

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Done digitally in Clip Studio Paint.


Friday, September 27, 2024

Moss Piglet (September 2024): 1970's

Moss Piglet (September 2024):

For the next few posts, I'll be posting my submissions to to "Moss Piglet", a small art magazine out of Wisconsin I've been contributing to the past couple years.  They use a monthly theme for it's publication and this time it was the "1970's".  I did have a bad pun off of Robert Crumb's "Keep on Truckin'" featuring some of the actors in Watergate, so I figured the result would (vaguely) work for my Nerdy/Geeky Blog.

I wish I had been able to think of something more "Star Wars" related, as it was far more fundamental to my growing up in the 70's, in which every stick or pole I found was a lightsaber in my mind's eye.  Heck, it still is, now that I think about it.

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For those of you interested, here's the link to the Homepage for "Moss Piglet":

You can also view previous issues online at:  This one was on the back cover for those interested.

If you're able, subscribe and tell 'em John D. sent you!

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Done digitally in Clip Studio Paint.
