Sunday, October 1, 2023

Day 01: The Thing from Another World (1951) - 31 Days of HELL-O-Ween 2023

31 Days of HELL-O-Ween 2023:
The Thing from Another World (1951)

Well, well, well.  It's time for the Fifth Annual "31 Days of HELL-O-Ween".  I can't believe I've been doing this rather harebrained, self-imposed challenge for that long.

Once again, I thought I would have everything together, maybe even get a bit of a head start to give myself a little bit of a buffer, but October still somehow manages to sneak up on me every year.  Although, I guess it wouldn't be a challenge if I set it up with everything mostly done before I even started.  So, it will be a bit of a public high-wire act where I attempt to do up 31 pieces of (mostly) monster art in 31 days, posted daily.

Alas, it's the first day and I'm already a little behind schedule and running as fast as I can to stay in place.  Will this be the year I have to break out the blank page and label it as "The Invisible Man" or a crappy stick figure drawing as "Slenderman"?  Stay tuned, folks!

Enough of the preamble--let's get this show on the road!

I'm not sure why, but I started a vague tradition of bookending the "31 Days of HELL-O-Ween" challenge by having the first and last posts include a self-caricature of sorts, and here we'll keep that tradition rolling.

It's no secret that "John Carpenter's The Thing" is one of my favorite horror movies--I include it (and several others)--every year.  But, I had yet to do the movie that inspired John Carpenter, Howard Hawks "The Thing from Another World".  I have an inordinate fondness for B-Movies and compared to the gooey body horror of "John Carpenter's The Thing", this version of "The Thing from Another World" is rather mild and tame by comparison.  I did see it as a kid and thought the alien was somehow scary, even though you only see it for a few minutes on screen.  

What can I say, I was a dumb kid easily impressed by passable special effects--and even a bunch that weren't so passible in other movies.

Hrm, the digital painting looks like The Thing tried to unsuccessfully impersonate Deiter from the "Saturday Night Live" sketch, "Sprockets" (sorry, kids, you'll have to look that reference up)...

One down, 30 to go!  Feel free to join in everyone!  C'mon in the waters... well, the water is a little cold and there is some shrinkage going on... and I think I stepped in some seaweed, so that feels gross.  But, other than that it's... Oh, wait, I think something bit me.  I hope it isn't some sort of brain-eating amoeba... [Continued complaints drone on and are lost in the distance as you back away.]

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STEP ONE:  Here are the digital pencils, originally done on a 2,000px x 1,560px @ 300dpi canvas done in Rebelle 6.  It was just a quickly scribbled

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STEP TWO:  And here is the finished digital painting.  It was basically a lot of noodling around to try and get the proper darks and lights and model the form.  That is one of the strengths of Rebelle--just mixing and blending until you arrive to vaguely where you want to be.

I exported the finished painting as a .PNG file (one for the under-drawing and one for the finished painting) and imported it into Clip Studio Paint to add the lettering and add the "31 Days of HELL-O-Ween" logo, then exported the finished drawing/painting as a .JPG.

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Done digitally in Rebelle 6 with an assist from Clip Studio Paint for the lettering and panel border.


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