Sunday, October 22, 2023

Day 22: Invasion of the Saucer Men (1957) - 31 Days of HELL-O-Ween 2023

 31 Days of HELL-O-Ween 2023:
Invasion of the Saucer Men (1957)

OK, I've done "Invasion of the Saucer Men" (1957) a couple times in the past on this Blog, but it was one of those formative movies of my childhood.  I can't say it was in a good way, necessarily.  As a child, this movie scared the bejeesus outta me.  I watched the movie alone, in the dark, during an overnight show called "T.J. and the A.N.T. (All Night Theater)", which showed various Monster/Sci-Fi B-Movies and old TV Series that were cheap and in syndication (the classic "Andy Griffith Show", "Charlie Chan", and many others). 

The aliens had giant, bulbous heads, bug eyes (with an extra eye on the back of their hands), double mouths, and hypodermic needles coming out of their fingers.  And the squeaking and squealing they did was also terrifying to me as a kid.

Then, when I watched "Invasion of the Saucer Men" as an adult (well, let me put "Adult" in scare quotes), it was terrifying all over again.  Mostly because rather than a scary horror movie of a monstrous invasion, it is actually an attempted comedic parody of space alien movies.  In the end, the aliens are vanquished by a group of car headlights shining on them, which cause them to explode.  Just imagine what the modern car's LED beams at full intensity would do to them!

Anyhoo, this hits me right in the ol' nostalgia and is part of what lead me down the path of wanting to watch so many other B-Movies involving aliens/monsters/and robots.  I made my decision as a child and I guess I stick by it.

This was done with Acrylic Paint and a limited palette of: Paynes Gray andTitanium White.

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STEP ONE:  Here is a quick, color breakdown done to suggest the general layout on the page.  It is painted on an 8-1/2" x 11" extra thick cardstock which was primed with a 50/50 mix of gesso and matte medium.

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STEP TWO:  And here's the next pass to put more paint on the cardstock.

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STEP THREE:  It's the finished painting.  Onward to the next one!

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Done with Acrylic paint on 8-1/2" x 11" gessoed cardstock.


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