Saturday, October 26, 2019

Day 26: They Live - 31 Days of HELL-o-Ween 2019

31 Days of HELL-o-Ween 2019
Day 26: They Live

This one is for another pal of mine, Joel.  He wanted to be one of the aliens in "They Live"... and, vaguely, that's what he gets to be in this drawing!  Very, very vaguely.  I put him in a business suit, so he may not be completely recognizable (Kidding!).  :-P

"They Live" is right up there with "The Thing" as one of my favorite John Carpenter horror/sci-fi movies.  Fun sci-fi action, sending up Consumerism and Capitalism gone amok with subliminal advertising and aliens buying and selling us.

Done using Clip Studio Paint on the iPad Pro.

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This was done with Clip Studio Paint on the iPad Pro.



  1. Just...Wow!! Incredible piece once again, absolutely love it! Much respect on how you manage to keep on creating these stunning images every day! And this one looks just like me on a sunday morning ; ) Thanks so much John, you are the true Horror master!

    Cheers, Joel

    1. Hey Joel, :-)

      Glad you like the drawing--and the flattery is much appreciated! As I mentioned before, no one is more surprised this whole thing is almost working out than I am.

      You would be shocked how much time I spent trying to decide between drawing a t-shirt/flannel and a suit jacket--but, since the aliens were all Yuppies wanna-be's, the suit jacket won out.

      Of course, if I were **REALLY** thinking, I would have done the drawing with the Buried Facehugger t-shirt, but the Blog would have collapsed into a black hole of meta-drawings of my drawings.

      More later,

      John D.
