Monday, October 25, 2021

Day 25: It (1990) - 31 Days of HELL-O-Ween 2021

31 Days of HELL-O-Ween 2021:
It - Pennywise

Hey, it's Pennywise from the 1990 TV Series of "It".  To be honest, aside from a few scenes here and there, it's mostly not all that good.  It's rather weird in tone, slow-moving, meandering, and being a made-for-television series, the effects weren't all that good (although, with a few exceptions, given the 1990's technology, it probably wouldn't have been all that great on the big screen, either).

I also get to be the person who says "The book is better"... well, aside from the really, REALLY problematic scene...  Pennywise's origins have a more Cosmic Horror, Lovecraftian feel to it.

The more recent movie versions of "It" (2017 and 2019) are superior in the focus on the horror and the effects, of course, but Tim Curry's version of Pennywise has a certain creepy charm... (not to take anything away from Bill Skarsgard's version of Pennywise--they're both really good).

And, since I had a little "extra" time (done with two hours to spare--plenty of time!), I worked with it a little longer to try to make it extra pretty rather than... working... on the next... DARN IT!  I probably should have been working on the next one to get a head start, rather than puttering about with this one!  Oh, well.  Speaking of--On to the next one!

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STEP ONE:  It's the scribbled, digital pencils on a 2,100px x 1,500px canvas @ 300dpi.

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STEP TWO:  The first pass with a larger brush to layout the lights and shadows, and general areas of color.

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STEP THREE:  And, after a lot of back-and-forth, tweaking colors, and correction of the shapes, here's the finished digital painting.  

Now that I look at it, I'm kinda glad I took the extra time with this one, as it really taught me a lot about color mixing and brush use in Clip Studio Paint--doing such things digitally can be frustrating (well, it's frustrating in traditional media, too, so I probably should have said "slightly more frustrating"...).

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This was done digitally in Clip Studio Paint on in iPad.


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