Friday, October 15, 2021

Day 15: The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974) - 31 Days of HELL-O-Ween 2021

 31 Days of HELL-O-Ween 2021:
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

It's the tale of an unemployed, meat-packing worker and his destitute family being hassled by a van full of Hippies... just kidding, it's Leatherface from "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre".  Tobe Hooper's movie of a psychopathic family had some truly disturbing scenes--the first guy knocking on the door for some help getting gasoline, only to have it opened by Leatherface with a maul.  The way the first victim's foot shakes after the blow, and is then pulled into the house as the door slams shut, still haunts me.

I did find it mildly ironic that the person who played Leatherface, Gunnar Hansen, was a Texan poet and writer.  

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STEP ONE:  The pencils, done on 8-1/2" x 11" toned cardstock.

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STEP TWO:  The initial layer of Acrylic paint...

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STEP THREE:  Followed by the finished layer of Acrylic paint!

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This was done with Acrylic paint on 8-1/2" x 11" toned cardstock.



  1. Daaaaaang! You’ve had some phenomenal paintings this month that I thought you would have a hard time topping (particularly Halloween 3 and the Mist), yet you just keep outdoing yourself! This one is my new favorite for the month! Absolutely outstanding job on the coloring for the skin mask, and you nailed the heck out of the shape for the eyes (which is something I constantly find butchered in renderings of this ol’ meat-head.) I really don’t know how you’re staying so consistent with such quality in this minuscule time-frame. Really, I’m amazed the unwrapped invisible man hasn’t popped up yet! This is inspiring!!!

    1. Yo Todd, :-)

      As always, you are too kind with your compliments! I thought you'd like the Leatherface post (and also Rawhead Rex, being a Clive Barker fan). I will admit the amount of time each painting is taking is getting close to spiraling out of control. This year, it's more acrylic painting rather than gouache (although, a few of those sneaked though).

      Funnily enough, I am planning on doing the Claude Rains "The Invisible Man" for Sunday (brought my iPad in to work to do another digital scratchboard). So, the Invisible Invisible Man in a snowstorm next to a polar bear is still in the wings!

      Speaking of... back to work!

      John D.
