Thursday, October 1, 2020

Day 01: John Carpenter's The Thing (1982) - 31 Days of HELL-O-Ween 2020

 31 Days of HELL-O-Ween 2020:
John Carpenter's The Thing (1982)

Hey, it's time again once again for "31 Days of HELL-O-Ween"!  Because I'm not all that bright and a glutton for punishment, I thought I'd try again.  And this time, because I knew October was coming up, I intended to actually get a head start--y'know, get a half-dozen drawings and paintings chambered and start from there, rather than doing what I did last year and just start the day before October 1, 2019, and hit the ground running.  Well, that was my intent, anyways.  Funny story, it didn't actually work out that way.  So, here I am, day of October 1, 2020, and just finished my first post.

So, once again, for those of you ghoulish enough to watch and see if I can actually pull this off again (it was close a few times last year, lemme tell ya), or if I can once more pull 31 Halloween-based drawings/paintings from my... hat.  If you see me post a blank panel with "Behold, the Invisible Man!", or a tall stick man labelled "Slender Man", you'll know I done screwed up.

Pre-excuses aside, onward to this post!  First, it's an obvious joke (and you may have even seen it once or twice before, I'm sure), but I thought of it a long, long time ago and by gum I'm gonna use it!  And, as "John Carpenter's The Thing" is probably one of my favorite horror movies, I gotta include it.  There will be a few more of my fav's repeating themselves this year, too.

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The Take-Home Game!
 Here are some logos/stamps to use for those of you who want to play along at home!  What's that, I'm just shamelessly trying to start some hokey trend ala Inktober or some similar play-along art game?  Well, I'm definitely not NOT guilty of that, lemme tell you!  Of course, the other part of that equation involves something of mine becoming popular--which I am pretty sure is strictly forbidden under the laws of the current universe as we understand them.  So, we'll just have to settle for the "South Park" Underpants Gnomes version of economics here: "31 Days of HELL-O-Ween" => something ??? something => PROFIT!

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STEP ONE:  Here are the quick, digital scribbles done on a 1,500px x 1,000px @300dpi canvas in Clip Studio Paint.  The reference layer is set to blue so all inks show up as an ad hoc blue-pencil.  I'm old fashioned that way.  And I'm old enough to have used actual blue pencils for under-drawings, so have a nostalgia for them.

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STEP TWO And here are the digital inks, done mostly with a 10 to 15pt digital map pen, which I modified in Clip Studio Paint.

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STEP THREE:  And here are the colors. 

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Done digitally in Clip Studio Paint.


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