Saturday, October 31, 2020

Day 31: Creepshow (1984) - 31 Days of HELL-O-Ween 2020

31 Days of HELL-O-Ween 2020
Creepshow (1984)

Happy Father's Day... Er, I mean HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Hey, it's a reference to the "Father's Day" segment in "Creepshow".  Anyhoo, here it is the end of the 31 Days of HELL-O-Ween, and I somehow managed to post all 31 Days.  No one is more shocked than I am!  Although, it was pretty close a couple times where I just made it by the skin of my teeth (twice within a half-hour of my self-imposed deadline of midnight of each day).  So, huzzah!

THE GOOD:  This year, I did take more time to do up each painting/post, so I think the general quality was improved.  The practice was good and just dedicating that much time trying to paint a likeness--even though it didn't always work--was a learning experience.  There were a few times when I felt like I may actually properly know what I am doing (don't worry, that feeling soon passed).  Overall, I'm relatively pleased and feel like I may have advanced a bit in my proficiency.  Just a bit

THE BAD:  I think the Stephen King painting as Jordy Verrell from "Creepshow", while passable, is a bit flat.  And, while the face of "The Candyman" is pretty good, too bad it doesn't look at all like Tony Todd.  Sigh...  The Babadook is a little bland and uninspired, while the post for the "They Live" Karen could have been better, IMHO.

Oopsies, on "Hellraiser IV: Bloodline" Angelique: I forgot the white highlights on her outfit I was planning on doing to show it was somewhat shiny, and I didn't finish her lips.  The bent-out, top bars on The Jackal's cage got painted over and then forgotten for the "13 Ghosts" post.

THE UGLY:  "The Fly" post with the "Brundle Museum of Natural History"...  Ugh, it looks weird--especially the eyes which are strangely cartoony and bothers me.  Blech!  But, I'll leave it, warts and all.

Well, I hope to try, try again, next year.

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STEP ONE:  In Clip Studio Paint, I created a 1,500px x 2,250px @ 300dpi canvas, and did up the digital pencils.

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STEP TWO:  Here's the halfway point...

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STEP THREE:  And here's the finished digital painting.  "I got my cake!  Happy Father's Day!"

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Done digitally in Clip Studio Paint.


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